Busy Busy Busy……………………..

Today’s post title sums up my day today.

But I don’t mind it……………….too much.


That I Forgot…(oops)

That today is Magnetic Monday. The last one in March.

It’s a bit later than I usually post but I did remember it…finally…a..bit…late. 🙂

The words today are:

moonlight, madness, corpse, love, whispers, terrifying, soft. 

You see.. I mixed together the words for the zombie set and the regular set. Ha!

So here it goes:

the terrifying moonlight

shows the corpse as it whispers

in soft love

to the madness that has

claimed it’s humanity in the moonlight.




Have a great week.

If any zombies try to whispers to you in the madness of moonlight, I’d run away. Really. 😉

